Apply today to get your Alderwood Vacation Loan. We are now working with Vacation Clubs in the two most popular sun destinations for Canadians: Cuba and the Dominican Republic.
Avoid sky high US Dollar interest rates or credit card payments with as much as 26% annual interest.
Easy monthly payments that allow you repay your loan over 10 to 20 years. Automatic bank payments administered in Canada by Capital Squared Financial Inc.
Obtaining a personal loan in a foreign island country can be scary. Alderwood Loans are fully regulated under the Consumer Protection Act (Ontario), offering you security and protection of Canadian laws. You have all of the consumer rights as if you got a loan in Canada.
Capital Squared Financial Inc. is always available to assist you with a bilingual support staff based in Ottawa, Ontario. Any questions or concerns will be answered from a trusted Canadian source.
Bay & Deveau Streets
P.O. Box N-1000
Nassau, N.P. Bahamas
38 Auriga Drive, Suite 211
Ottawa, Ontario
K2E 8A5
© 2024 Alderwood Financial Inc. All Rights Reserved.